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Like a Ring in a Haystack
Recommended Level : 15
Coin Reward : None
Description :
Lavic N'Gam in South Freeport wants a ring which last known to be in the possession of a Commonlands farmer named Gyberg Thizweald. Thizweald is dead, however, so now the location of the ring is a mystery.
Speak to Lavic N'Gam in South Freeport. (Must have completed the quest Proof is in the Pudding.)
A number of creatures must be killed to see if they have Gyberg's ring. The exact quantity required of each may vary and appears to be 10-12. These are (in no particular order):
-10-12 beetles (dung beetle, stone beetle, massive emerald beetle, hulking fire beetle, etc.)
-10-12 lizards (monitor lizard and others)
-10-12 lion cubs (The savannah lion cubs are usually found around the rocks north of the Ring of Nature grouped with 2 savannah lionesses each -- the rock lion cubs further east do not seem to count. )
Having found nothing on any of them, the next step is to kill 7-8 carrion hounds (kill the ones located next to the Dog Pond) in hopes one of them swallowed the ring.
Finding little of the ring in the carrion hounds, next travel to The Tower of Zarvonn to look around there (908. -909, -515). The update will appear once the "Tower of Zarvonn" location message is on the screen.
The ring turns out not to be there either, so it's time to return to Lavic to report the findings. This ends this quest and opens the next in the series, A Change in Plans.
Like a Ring in a Haystack Zones
South Freeport - start
The Commonlands - used
Like a Ring in a Haystack Items
Like a Ring in a Haystack Items Rewards
Lavic's Vital Blocker - choose
Like a Ring in a Haystack NPCS
A Carrion Beetle - kill
A Carrion Hound - kill
A Dung Beetle - kill
A Hulking Fire Beetle - kill
A Massive Emerald Beetle - kill
A Monitor Lizard - kill
A Sand Monitor - kill
A Savage Carrion Hound - kill
A Savanna Lion Cub - kill
A Stone Beetle - kill
An Emerald Beetle - kill
Lavic N'Gam - starter