* Najena's Voidcaller Hands
* Nautilus Shell
* Nautilus Shell Earring
* Necklace of Tainted Souls
* Needletooth Pudding Recipe
* Neezer's Survey
* Nek Lacquered Chainmail Coif
* Nektulos Vine Patterned Pauldrons
* Nettleville Guard Armband
* Nettleville Guard Bracers
* Nettleville Guard Chain Bracer
* Nettleville Guard Heavy Bracer
* Nightshade Healing Salve
* Nightshade Maul
* Nightshadow Cap
* Nightshadow Leather Bracers
* Nightstalker's Coif
* No JumJum
* Nogginspark's Wonderous Tickerdoodle
* Note to Tayil
* Notice to the Undead
* Nymph Glyphed Blouse