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EQ2Emu Quick/Easy Windows Server Installer. V2. [Depreciated Info Below]

[Image: installer.png]

This is a much simpler (on the front end) and graphical Patcher/Launcher for WINDOWS EQ2EMu servers.

A few important notes before I get started
  • This software is an early version. It might not be 100% stable.
  • With this release, the previous Windows installer is depreciated. It will continue to work for now. ALL download links now link to this version (V2).
  • The patcher may stop working at any time, depending on what I'm doing. In this case, run "Manually-Start-DB.bat" from inside the eq2emu folder. Then run "PATCHER-LAUNCHER.bat"
  • I am not responsible if it eats your dog, or causes any other unwanted behavior.

How the patcher works, and what it's doing behind the scenes.
  • Patches are using a custom LZMA implementation. The initial patch size will be large (~1.6GB) due to the maps.
  • After all, patches are applied the following steps are taken. Items in red happen every launch.
  •    1) Download the base DB (MariaDB plus a basic, and outdated, database).
  •    2) Update the IP address of the server files to match those of your network.
  •   3) Check if MYSQL is running, if not, load it.
  •    4) Download and import the newest EQ2EMuDB. Also, import base account (eq2emu/eq2emu).
  •    5) Check for EXE Updates as well as structs.
  •    6) Import the newest LUA.
  • Once the launch button is clicked it runs PATCHER-LAUNCHER.bat this file does the following
  •    1) Double-check that MYSQL is running. The patcher should cover this, but if you run it manually still need to check.
  •    2) Start the LoginServer and the WorldServer.
I will expand this post at a later date with more info. Please report any issues/bugs via DM on Discord.

Click to download
I have updated the EQ2EMuDB Editor to work with this release. Simply download this file drop it in the same folder as the launcher and run.

******* Depreciated ***********
Image has made tons of headway with a docker setup that is much easier. Please check out the git page [HERE]
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EQ2Emu Quick/Easy Windows Server Installer. V2. [Depreciated Info Below] - by devn00b - 05-15-2024, 09:42 PM

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