Lvl 3 Skills |
Lightning Burst Deals instant magic damage to the targeted enemy. |
Lightning Burst Deals instant magic damage to the targeted enemy. |
Static Pulse Deals magic damage over time to an enemy. |
Static Pulse Deals magic damage over time to an enemy. |
Lvl 4 Skills |
Magi's Shielding Anaugmentation spell that benefits the caster by increasing avoidance,maximum Health, and decreasing the chance of interruption |
Magi's Shielding Anaugmentation spell that benefits the caster by increasing avoidance,maximum Health, and decreasing the chance of interruption |
Lvl 5 Skills |
Arcane Bindings Rootsthe mage's target in place, preventing them from movement. Everyhostile spell or damage received by the target has a chance at breakingthe effect. Upgrades to this spell reduce the target's resistance tothe full duration of the effect |
Arcane Bindings Rootsthe mage's target in place, preventing them from movement. Everyhostile spell or damage received by the target has a chance at breakingthe effect. Upgrades to this spell reduce the target's resistance tothe full duration of the effect |
Bind Sight Anaugmentation that grants the mage the ability to see through the eyesof target ally. This augmentation breaks if the mage enters combat. |
Bind Sight Anaugmentation that grants the mage the ability to see through the eyesof target ally. This augmentation breaks if the mage enters combat. |
Lvl 6 Skills |
Cure Arcane Cures magic, mental, and divine impairments on target ally |
Cure Arcane Cures magic, mental, and divine impairments on target ally |
Lvl 7 Skills |
Gift of the Magi An augmentation that increases the power pool and magic resistance for the mage's group. |
Gift of the Magi An augmentation that increases the power pool and magic resistance for the mage's group. |
Lightning Shock Deals instant magic damage to the targeted enemy. |
Lightning Shock Deals instant magic damage to the targeted enemy. |
Lvl 8 Skills |
Storm of Lightning Deals instant Magic damage to the enemy and its surrounding allies. |
Storm of Lightning Deals instant Magic damage to the enemy and its surrounding allies. |
Lvl 9 Skills |
See Invisibility An augmentation that allows a mage's ally to see invisible enemies. |
Lvl 10 Skills |
Blaze Deals heat damage over a short time to the target. |
Scorch Deals heat damage over time to an enemy. |
Tongue Twist Instantlyinterrupts and stifles the sorcerer's target for a brief duration witha small amount of magic damage. This spell has no cast time and a verysmall power cost. |
Lvl 11 Skills |
Burning Radiance Placesan augmentation that engulfs an ally's weapon in flames, that grantsthe chance to strike for additional heat damage with each successfulattack |
Ice Spike Deals instant cold damage to the targeted enemy. |
Lvl 12 Skills |
Vivid Seal A group augmentation that increases the strength and intelligence of the sorcerer's group. |
Lvl 13 Skills |
Freezing Whorl Deals cold damage over time and decreases target's elemental resistance. |
Painful Meditation Converts some of the sorcerer's health into power. |
Lvl 14 Skills |
Conflagration Deals great amounts of heat damage to all enemies surrounding the sorcerer. |
Lvl 15 Skills |
Ice Blast Deals instant cold damage to the targeted enemy. |
Lvl 16 Skills |
Freeze Stuns the sorcerer's target briefly and deals instant cold damage. |
Lvl 17 Skills |
Incinerate Deals heat damage over time to an enemy. |
Lvl 18 Skills |
Accord Anaugmentation cast on the sorcerer's ally that grants a chance toinstantly increase their power when they are hit in melee combat. Thisspell does not require any concentration, but can only be maintained ona single ally |
Summon Shadows Summonsshadows around a single ally, granting them invisibility while reducingtheir movement speed. You can only maintain this spell on a singleally. This spell cannot be interrupted or fizzled |
Lvl 19 Skills |
Frozen Manacles Rootsthe sorcerer's target in place, preventing them from movement. Everyhostile spell or damage received by the target has a chance at breakingthe effect. When the root effect expires, the target's movement speedis reduced for a short duration. Upgrades to this spell reduce thetarget's resistance to the full duration of the root effect |
Lvl 20 Skills |
Chilling Wind Deals cold damage over-time to the target and surrounding encounter members. |
Coldshield Placesan icy barrier surrounding target ally. Whenever that ally is struck byan enemy in combat, that enemy receives instant cold damage. Thiseffect can trigger up to 3 times |
Plasmastrike Deals instant cold damage to the targeted enemy. |
Word of Force Deals instant magic damage to the targeted enemy, with a chance at dealing additional magic damage |
Lvl 21 Skills |
Amplification Anaugmentation that increases the power pool and elemental resistance forthe wizard's group. The elemental resist protects more against heatthan cold. |
Lvl 22 Skills |
Lightning Flash Deals magic damage over time for a short duration to target enemy and surrounding encounter members. |
Lvl 23 Skills |
Ball of Fire Launches a ball of fire towards the enemy, dealing instant heat damage |
Snow-Filled Steps A group augmentation that grants underwater vision and allows the wizard's allies to see invisible enemies. |
Lvl 24 Skills |
Benumb Instantlyinterrupts and stifles the wizard's target for a brief duration with asmall amount of magic damage. This spell has no cast time and a verysmall power cost. |
Breath of the Tyrant Deals heat damage over a short time to the target. |
Portal Teleports the wizard to the nearest designated safe spot in the current adventuring area. |
Lvl 25 Skills |
Boreal Anemergency spell that mesmerizes the target and removes them from beingaffected by area of effect spells for a short duration. While thisspell is maintained, the wizard is stunned, but the wizard can chooseto not maintain the spell before the full duration expires.Mesmerization breaks if the target receives any damage. Upgrades tothis spell reduce the target's resistance to the full duration of theeffect |
Flametongue Placesan augmentation that engulfs an ally's weapon in flames, that grantsthe chance to strike for additional heat damage with each successfulattack |
Lvl 26 Skills |
Dazzling Seal A group augmentation that increases the strength and intelligence of the wizard's group. |
Lvl 27 Skills |
Discretionary Flow Converts some of the wizard's health into power. |
Icy Coil Deals cold damage over time and decreases target's elemental resistance. |
Lvl 28 Skills |
Essence Harvest Allowsthe wizard to harvest health over time into power, stunning the wizardduring the conversion process. It lasts for up to 15 seconds, and thewizard can terminate the harvest conversion early |
Pyre Deals great amounts of heat damage to all enemies surrounding the wizard. |
Lvl 29 Skills |
Plasmatic Pulse Deals instant heat damage to the targeted enemy. |
Lvl 30 Skills |
Blazing Intimidation Stuns the wizard's target briefly and deals instant heat damage. |
Lvl 31 Skills |
Heat Stroke Deals instant Heat damage to an enemy. Also does additional Heat over-time damage with a chance to stifle the enemy. |
Lvl 32 Skills |
Surge of Flames Fora short time, the wizard is granted a chance at additional heat damagewith every heat spell that strikes an enemy. This consumes a smallamount of power every time it triggers |
Lvl 33 Skills |
Concurrence Anaugmentation cast on the wizard's ally that grants a chance toinstantly increase their power when they are hit in melee combat. Thisspell does not require any concentration, but can only be maintained ona single ally |
Intromission Replenishes power to target ally, at the cost of the wizard's health |
Tether Rootsthe wizard's target in place, preventing them from movement. Everyhostile spell or damage received by the target has a chance at breakingthe effect. When the root effect expires, the target's movement speedis reduced for a short duration. Upgrades to this spell reduce thetarget's resistance to the full duration of the root effect |
Lvl 34 Skills |
Freezing Wind Deals cold damage over-time to the target and surrounding encounter members. |
Lvl 35 Skills |
Chillshield Placesan icy barrier surrounding target ally. Whenever that ally is struck byan enemy in combat, that enemy receives instant cold damage. Thiseffect can trigger up to 3 times |
Frostbound Gift Agroup augmentation that grants the wizard's group a chance at dealingadditional cold damage for every non-heat, non-physical hostile spellthey cast for a short duration. Any enemies struck by this damage havetheir movement speed reduced for a short duration |
Iceflame Deals instant cold and heat damage and greatly slows movement speed for a short time. |
Intensify Anaugmentation that increases the power pool and elemental resistance forthe wizard's group. The elemental resist protects more against heatthan cold. |
Lvl 36 Skills |
Pulsing Flash Deals magic damage over time for a short duration to target enemy and surrounding encounter members. |
Lvl 37 Skills |
Ball of Flames Launches a ball of fire towards the enemy, dealing instant heat damage |
Lvl 38 Skills |
Depart Teleports the wizard and all nearby group members to the nearest designated safe spot in the current adventuring area. |
Enfeeblement Instantlyinterrupts and stifles the wizard's target for a brief duration with asmall amount of magic damage. This spell has no cast time and a verysmall power cost. |
Immolation Deals heat damage over a short time to the target. |
Lvl 39 Skills |
Aurora Anemergency spell that mesmerizes the target and removes them from beingaffected by area of effect spells for a short duration. While thisspell is maintained, the wizard is stunned, but the wizard can chooseto not maintain the spell before the full duration expires.Mesmerization breaks if the target receives any damage. Upgrades tothis spell reduce the target's resistance to the full duration of theeffect |
Fiery Grandeur Placesan augmentation that engulfs an ally's weapon in flames, that grantsthe chance to strike for additional heat damage with each successfulattack |
Lvl 40 Skills |
Hand of the Tyrant A group augmentation that increases the strength and intelligence of the wizard's group. |
Mail of Frost Augmentationthat wards the wizard. If the wizard is attacked while this ward isactive, it will reduce hate towards the wizard and reduce the movementspeed of the attacker |
Ring of Cold Freezesmovement on the target and the surrounding encounter members. When thefreeze effect wears off, it slows their movement for a short duration.Every hostile spell or damage received by the target has a chance atbreaking the effect. Upgrades to this spell reduce the target'sresistance to the full duration of the effect |
Lvl 41 Skills |
Piercing Icicles Deals cold damage over time and decreases target's elemental resistance. |
Vital Flow Converts some of the wizard's health into power. |
Lvl 42 Skills |
Vitalic Harvest Allowsthe wizard to harvest health over time into power, stunning the wizardduring the conversion process. It lasts for up to 15 seconds, and thewizard can terminate the harvest conversion early |
Lvl 43 Skills |
Flamestrike Deals instant heat damage to the targeted enemy. |
Lvl 44 Skills |
Inferno Deals great amounts of heat damage to all enemies surrounding the wizard. |
Paralyze Stuns the wizard's target briefly and deals instant heat damage. |
Lvl 45 Skills |
Heat Convulsions Deals instant Heat damage to an enemy. Also does additional Heat over-time damage with a chance to stifle the enemy. |
Lvl 46 Skills |
Fiery Surge Fora short time, the wizard is granted a chance at additional heat damagewith every heat spell that strikes an enemy. This consumes a smallamount of power every time it triggers |
Lvl 47 Skills |
Essential Intromission Replenishes power to target ally, at the cost of the wizard's health |
Singularity Anaugmentation cast on the wizard's ally that grants a chance toinstantly increase their power when they are hit in melee combat. Thisspell does not require any concentration, but can only be maintained ona single ally |
Truss Rootsthe wizard's target in place, preventing them from movement. Everyhostile spell or damage received by the target has a chance at breakingthe effect. When the root effect expires, the target's movement speedis reduced for a short duration. Upgrades to this spell reduce thetarget's resistance to the full duration of the root effect |
Lvl 48 Skills |
Icy Wind Deals cold damage over-time to the target and surrounding encounter members. |
Protoflame Summonsa fiery minion that attacks an enemy until the spell expires. If thepet is killed before expiration, it will explode and do instant heatdamage to the enemy who slew it and surrounding encounter members |
Lvl 49 Skills |
Augmentation Anaugmentation that increases the power pool and elemental resistance forthe wizard's group. The elemental resist protects more against heatthan cold. |
Icebound Gift Agroup augmentation that grants the wizard's group a chance at dealingadditional cold damage for every non-heat, non-physical hostile spellthey cast for a short duration. Any enemies struck by this damage havetheir movement speed reduced for a short duration |
Lvl 50 Skills |
Frostshield Placesan icy barrier surrounding target ally. Whenever that ally is struck byan enemy in combat, that enemy receives instant cold damage. Thiseffect can trigger up to 3 times |
Ice Comet Dealsignificant Cold damage and stuns the target briefly. If a player isthe target of this spell, it will also knockback and blur the vision ofthe player |
Shocking Flash Deals magic damage over time for a short duration to target enemy and surrounding encounter members. |
Lvl 51 Skills |
Ball of Incineration Launches a ball of fire towards the enemy, dealing instant heat damage |
Lvl 52 Skills |
Cremate Deals heat damage over a short time to the target. |
Lapse Instantlyinterrupts and stifles the wizard's target for a brief duration with asmall amount of magic damage. This spell has no cast time and a verysmall power cost. |
Numbing Cold Reducesmovement speed of up to six targets around the Wizard. Also a chance ofimmobilizing the target when they attempt a melee attack. |
Lvl 53 Skills |
Blazing Grandeur Placesan augmentation that engulfs an ally's weapon in flames, that grantsthe chance to strike for additional heat damage with each successfulattack |
Nimbus Aurora Anemergency spell that mesmerizes the target and removes them from beingaffected by area of effect spells for a short duration. While thisspell is maintained, the wizard is stunned, but the wizard can chooseto not maintain the spell before the full duration expires.Mesmerization breaks if the target receives any damage. Upgrades tothis spell reduce the target's resistance to the full duration of theeffect |
Lvl 54 Skills |
Fist of the Tyrant #N/A |
Ring of Ice Freezesmovement on the target and the surrounding encounter members. When thefreeze effect wears off, it slows their movement for a short duration.Every hostile spell or damage received by the target has a chance atbreaking the effect. Upgrades to this spell reduce the target'sresistance to the full duration of the effect |
Lvl 55 Skills |
Arctic Icicles Deals cold damage over time and decreases target's elemental resistance. |
Forge of Ro Summons flames near the caster. Anyone near these flames will continually take Heat damage until they leave the area. |
Vital Flood Converts some of the wizard's health into power. |
Lvl 56 Skills |
Vitalic Reaping Allowsthe wizard to harvest health over time into power, stunning the wizardduring the conversion process. It lasts for up to 15 seconds, and thewizard can terminate the harvest conversion early |
Lvl 57 Skills |
Sunstrike Deals instant heat damage to the targeted enemy. |
Lvl 58 Skills |
Fiery Inferno Deals great amounts of heat damage to all enemies surrounding the wizard. |
Incapacitate Stuns the wizard's target briefly and deals instant heat damage. |
Surging Tempest Dealssignificant amounts of damage to the target over time and knocks themdown for a short duration. This spell has a recurrent power cost. |
Lvl 59 Skills |
Fiery Convulsions Deals instant Heat damage to an enemy. Also does additional Heat over-time damage with a chance to stifle the enemy. |
Lvl 60 Skills |
Inferno Surge Fora short time, the wizard is granted a chance at additional heat damagewith every heat spell that strikes an enemy. This consumes a smallamount of power every time it triggers |