Lvl 1 Skills |
Minor Healing Instantly heals some of target ally's health. |
Smite Deals instant divine damage to target enemy and pacifies them, preventing them attacking in combat for a short duration as long as they don't receive additional damage
Lvl 2 Skills |
Rebuke Impairment that reduces the physical damage resistance of the target. |
Lvl 3 Skills |
Minor Arch Healing Replenishes a large amount of target ally's health. |
Lvl 4 Skills |
Minor Redoubt An augmentation that increases the health pool and melee offensive skills of the templar's ally. |
Lvl 5 Skills |
Courage A group augmentation which increases maximum health and physical resistance of the templar's group.
Lvl 6 Skills |
Cure Noxious Cures noxious impairments on the target ally |
Summon Food and Water Summons Food and Water to the Target |
Lvl 7 Skills |
Healing Instantly heals some of target ally's health. |
Sign of Pacification Places an impairment on the target that pacifies them, preventing them from making normal combat attacks. The pacify effect will break if the target receives any damage |
Lvl 8 Skills |
Revive Resurrects a fallen ally and increases their physical resistance for a short duration. This spell cannot be cast in combat. |
Lvl 9 Skills |
Admonishing Smite Deals instant divine damage to target enemy and pacifies them, preventing them attacking in combat for a short duration as long as they don't receive additional damage
Enduring Breath Allows allies to breath underwater |
Lvl 10 Skills |
Arch Healing Replenishes a large amount of target ally's health. |
Scorn Impairment that reduces the physical damage resistance of the target. |
Soothe Lowers aggression radius (awareness) of target |
Lvl 11 Skills |
Divine Awakening Summons a divine essence for every group memebr |
Radiant Strike Deals instant divine damage to target enemy. If the target is Undead, it receives additional divine damage |
Lvl 12 Skills |
Bestoawl of Vitae An augmentation that heals an ally when they are attacked, and has a limited number of heals before expiring |
Lvl 13 Skills |
Complacent Pacifies all enemies near the templar, preventing them from making normal combat attacks, and reduces their hate towards the templar. Any hostile actions taken on them will break the pacify effect
Cure Trauma Cures Trauma impairments on the target ally. This includes slashing, piercing, and crushing effects
Odyssey Transports and ally to their home village |
Lvl 14 Skills |
Healing Word Heals all allies near the templar. |
Soothing Sermon A group augmentation that heals an ally when they are attacked, and has a limited number of heals before expiring |
Lvl 15 Skills |
Greater Healing Instantly heals some of target ally's health. |
Radiance An emergency augmentation that heals an ally when they are attacked, and has a limited number of heals before expiring. This spell does not require any power and does not have a casting time
Lvl 16 Skills |
Redoubt An augmentation that increases the health pool and melee offensive skills of the templar's ally. |
Lvl 17 Skills |
Greater Smite Deals instant divine damage to target enemy and pacifies them, preventing them attacking in combat for a short duration as long as they don't receive additional damage |
Lvl 18 Skills |
Greater Arch Healing Replenishes a large amount of target ally's health. |
Lvl 19 Skills |
Bestowal of Vitae An augmentation that heals an ally when they are attacked, and has a limited number of heals before expiring |
Cure Elemental Cures Elemental impairments on a target ally |
Daring A group augmentation which increases maximum health and physical resistance of the templar's group. |
Lvl 20 Skills |
Amending Fate An impairment placed on an opponent that willgrant Health to the Templar and allies when the opponent is slain. |
Bounty of the Virtuos Instantly heals some of target ally's health. |
Lvl 21 Skills |
Sign of Weakness Places an impairment on the target thatpacifies them, preventing them from making normal combat attacks. Thepacify effect will break if the target receives any damage |
Lvl 22 Skills |
Ameliorate Instantly heals some of target ally's health. |
Battle's Reprieve Resurrects a fallen ally and increases theirphysical resistance for a short duration. This spell can be cast duringcombat. |
Lvl 23 Skills |
Combative Faith Deals divine damage over time to the target. |
Watery Respite An augmentation which grants the templar'sgroup the ability to breathe under water and increase their swimmingspeed. |
Lvl 24 Skills |
Disgrace Impairment that reduces the physical damageresistance of the target. |
Lvl 25 Skills |
Celestial Strike Deals instant divine damage to target enemy.If the target is Undead, it receives additional divine damage |
Lvl 26 Skills |
Protectorate An augmentation that increases the strengthand wisdom of the templar's ally. This spell does not require anyconcentration, but can only be maintained on a single ally |
Supplicant's Prayer An augmentation that heals an ally when theyare attacked, and has a limited number of heals before expiring |
Lvl 27 Skills |
Placate Pacifies all enemies near the templar,preventing them from making normal combat attacks, and reduces theirhate towards the templar. Any hostile actions taken on them will breakthe pacify effect |
Lvl 28 Skills |
Arcane Aid Cures arcane impairments on the target ally.This includes magic, mental, and divine effects |
Healing Touch Heals all allies near the templar. |
Intercession A group augmentation that heals an ally whenthey are attacked, and has a limited number of heals before expiring |
Lvl 29 Skills |
Amelioration Instantly heals some of target ally's health. |
Protective Faith A group augmentation that places a protectivebarrier over the templar's group, that increases arcane resistance andwards arcane sources of damage for a limited duration |
Lvl 30 Skills |
Pious Redoubt An augmentation that increases the healthpool and melee offensive skills of the templar's ally. |
Symbol of Ryltan An augmentation that increases the Healthpool of the Templar and allies and has a chance to increase Armor Classwhen successfully attacked. |
Lvl 31 Skills |
Reproving Smite Deals instant divine damage to target enemyand pacifies them, preventing them attacking in combat for a shortduration as long as they don't receive additional damage |
Lvl 32 Skills |
Beams of Faith Deals instant divine damage to the target andnearby encounter members. |
Mark of Princes Impairment that is cast on an opponent thatdecreases their divine resistance and has a chance to heal over time anally that successfully attacks this opponent in melee. |
Restoration Replenishes a large amount of target ally'shealth. |
Lvl 33 Skills |
Bravery A group augmentation which increases maximumhealth and physical resistance of the templar's group. |
Lvl 34 Skills |
Redemptive Fate An impairment placed on an opponent that willgrant Health to the Templar and allies when the opponent is slain. |
Lvl 35 Skills |
Involuntary Healer An impairment that causes the enemy tosometimes replenish the health and cure trauma impairments of thetarget they are attacking. |
Sign of Debility Places an impairment on the target thatpacifies them, preventing them from making normal combat attacks. Thepacify effect will break if the target receives any damage |
Lvl 36 Skills |
Blazon Life Resurrects nearby fallen allies and increasestheir physical resistance for a short duration. This spell can be castduring combat. |
Lvl 37 Skills |
Warring Faith Deals divine damage over time to the target. |
Lvl 38 Skills |
Reproach Impairment that reduces the physical damageresistance of the target. |
Lvl 39 Skills |
Divine Strike Deals instant divine damage to target enemy.If the target is Undead, it receives additional divine damage |
Prostrate Stuns an opponent for a short duration. |
Lvl 40 Skills |
Greater Intercession An augmentation that heals an ally when theyare attacked, and has a limited number of heals before expiring |
Praetorate An augmentation that increases the strengthand wisdom of the templar's ally. This spell does not require anyconcentration, but can only be maintained on a single ally |
Lvl 41 Skills |
Harmony Pacifies all enemies near the templar,preventing them from making normal combat attacks, and reduces theirhate towards the templar. Any hostile actions taken on them will breakthe pacify effect |
Salvation If target ally receives damage that would befatal, that ally is healed instead and their physical resistance isincreased. This spell cannot be interrupted, does not require any powerand has a very fast casting time |
Lvl 42 Skills |
Crucial Intercession A group augmentation that heals an ally whenthey are attacked, and has a limited number of heals before expiring |
Resolve Cures arcane and trauma impairments on thetemplar's group. |
Word of Restoration Heals all allies near the templar. |
Lvl 43 Skills |
Greater Amelioraton Instantly heals some of target ally's health. |
Shielding Faith A group augmentation that places a protectivebarrier over the templar's group, that increases arcane resistance andwards arcane sources of damage for a limited duration |
Lvl 44 Skills |
Sacred Redoubt An augmentation that increases the healthpool and melee offensive skills of the templar's ally. |
Symbol of Pinzarm An augmentation that increases the Healthpool of the Templar and allies and has a chance to increase Armor Classwhen successfully attacked. |
Lvl 45 Skills |
Condemning Smite Deals instant divine damage to target enemyand pacifies them, preventing them attacking in combat for a shortduration as long as they don't receive additional damage |
Vigilant Benediction An augmentation that grants an ally thechance to absorb a physical damage attack whenever they are struck incombat. This spell does not require any concentration, but can only bemaintained on a single ally |
Lvl 46 Skills |
Greater Restoration Replenishes a large amount of target ally'shealth. |
Mark of Kings Impairment that is cast on an opponent thatdecreases their divine resistance and has a chance to heal over time anally that successfully attacks this opponent in melee. |
Rays of Faith Deals instant divine damage to the target andnearby encounter members. |
Lvl 47 Skills |
Glory of Combat Augmentation that grants the templar's ally achance of healing the entire group on each successful attack. |
Valor A group augmentation which increases maximumhealth and physical resistance of the templar's group. |
Lvl 48 Skills |
Atoning Fate An impairment placed on an opponent that willgrant Health to the Templar and allies when the opponent is slain. |
Beneficence An emergency group augmentation that heals anally when they are attacked, and has a limited number of heals beforeexpiring. This spell does not require any power and does not have acasting time |
Lvl 49 Skills |
Involuntary Curate An impairment that causes the enemy tosometimes replenish the health and cure trauma impairments of thetarget they are attacking. |
Sign of Infirmity Places an impairment on the target thatpacifies them, preventing them from making normal combat attacks. Thepacify effect will break if the target receives any damage |
Lvl 50 Skills |
Focused Benefaction An augmentation that greatly heals an allywhen they are attacked, and has a limited number of heals beforeexpiring. It costs power over time to maintain the spell and thetemplar is immobilized, but the spell can be toggled off early ifdesired |
Resurrect Resurrects a fallen ally, replenishing allhealth and removing any effects from resurrection sickness. This spellcan be cast during combat, but must be cast within touch range of thatally |
Lvl 51 Skills |
Warring Conviction Deals divine damage over time to the target. |
Lvl 52 Skills |
Admonishment Impairment that reduces the physical damageresistance of the target. |
Reverence For a short duration, whenever target allyspends power, some of their health is replenished. The more power spentincreases the amount of health replenished |
Lvl 53 Skills |
Consecrated Strike Deals instant divine damage to target enemy.If the target is Undead, it receives additional divine damage |
Force Submission Stuns an opponent for a short duration. |
Lvl 54 Skills |
Divine Praetorate An augmentation that increases the strengthand wisdom of the templar's ally. This spell does not require anyconcentration, but can only be maintained on a single ally |
Grand Intercession An augmentation that heals an ally when theyare attacked, and has a limited number of heals before expiring |
Lvl 55 Skills |
Greater Harmony Pacifies all enemies near the templar,preventing them from making normal combat attacks, and reduces theirhate towards the templar. Any hostile actions taken on them will breakthe pacify effect |
Sanctuary A group augmentation that prevents the groupfrom being affected by control spells for a short duration. Controlspells include any type of stun, root, stifle, pacify, and fear. Thisspell has a 1% chance to break every time damage is received |
Lvl 56 Skills |
Ardent Resolve Cures arcane and trauma impairments on thetemplar's group. |
Fateful Intercession A group augmentation that heals an ally whenthey are attacked, and has a limited number of heals before expiring |
Word of Atonement Heals all allies near the templar. |
Lvl 57 Skills |
Aegis of Faith A group augmentation that places a protectivebarrier over the templar's group, that increases arcane resistance andwards arcane sources of damage for a limited duration |
Grand Amelioration Instantly heals some of target ally's health. |
Lvl 58 Skills |
Divine Arbitration Equalizes the health totals of the templar'sgroup. The sum of all hit points in the group divided evenly for eachgroup member, at a slight loss. Upgrades to this spell prevent the lossof efficiency when dividing points to group members |
Holy Redoubt An augmentation that increases the healthpool and melee offensive skills of the templar's ally. |
Symbol of Naltron An augmentation that increases the Healthpool of the Templar and allies and has a chance to increase Armor Classwhen successfully attacked. |
Lvl 59 Skills |
Judging Smite Deals instant divine damage to target enemyand pacifies them, preventing them attacking in combat for a shortduration as long as they don't receive additional damage |
Unyielding Benediction An augmentation that grants an ally thechance to absorb a physical damage attack whenever they are struck incombat. This spell does not require any concentration, but can only bemaintained on a single ally |
Lvl 60 Skills |
Blaze of Faith Deals instant divine damage to the target andnearby encounter members. |
Grand Restoration Replenishes a large amount of target ally'shealth. |
Mark of the Celestial Impairment that is cast on an opponent that decreases their divine resistance and has a chance to heal over time an ally that successfully attacks this opponent in melee.
Lvl 61 Skills |
Gallantry A group augmentation which increases maximum health and physical resistance of the templar's group. |
Glory of Battle Augmentation that grants the templar's ally a chance of healing the entire group on each successful attack. |
Lvl 62 Skills |
Supplicating Fate An impairment placed on an opponent that will grant Health to the Templar and allies when the opponent is slain. |
Lvl 63 Skills |
Involuntary Restoration An impairment that causes the enemy to sometimes replenish the health and cure trauma impairments of the target they are attacking. |
Lvl 64 Skills |
Sign of Frailty Places an impairment on the target that pacifies them, preventing them from making normal combat attacks. The pacify effect will break if the target receives any damage |
Lvl 65 Skills |
Unswerving Hammer Summons a pet hammer you can control |
Warring Axiom Deals divine damage over time to the target. |
Lvl 66 Skills |
Spurn Impairment that reduces the physical damage resistance of the target. |
Lvl 67 Skills |
Forced Humility Stuns an opponent for a short duration. |
Holy Strike Deals instant divine damage to target enemy. If the target is Undead, it receives additional divine damage |
Lvl 68 Skills |
Celestrial Prostrate An augmentation that increases the strength and wisdom of the templar's ally. This spell does not require any concentration, but can only be maintained on a single ally |
Glorious Intercession An augmentation that heals an ally when they are attacked, and has a limited number of heals before expiring |
Lvl 69 Skills |
Complacency Pacifies all enemies near the templar, preventing them from making normal combat attacks, and reduces their hate towards the templar. Any hostile actions taken on them will break the pacify effect |
Forgiving Salvation An augmentation that increases the strength and wisdom of the templar's ally. This spell does not require any concentration, but can only be maintained on a single ally |
Lvl 70 Skills |
Dire Intercession A group augmentation that heals an ally when they are attacked, and has a limited number of heals before expiring |
Focused Intercession An augmentation that greatly heals an ally when they are attacked, and has a limited number of heals before expiring. It costs power over time to maintain the spell and the templar is immobilized, but the spell can be toggled off early if desired |
Word of Reparation Heals all allies near the templar. |