Lvl 3 Skills |
Assault A melee attack that strikes all nearby enemies surrounding the fighter. |
Taunt Increases the target's hate towards the fighter. |
Lvl 4 Skills |
Stance: Toughness Greatly increases defense, parry and physical damage mitigation at the cost of offensive melee skills and combat attack damage. This is the fighter's primary defensive stance |
Lvl 6 Skills |
Intervene Allows the fighter to protect an ally from taking damage, by absorbing some of the damage an ally would otherwise take |
Lvl 8 Skills |
Shout Increases the hate of all enemies in an encounter towards the fighter. |
Lvl 10 Skills |
Blessed Weapon Blesses the crusader's weapon, granting a chance to deal divine damage with each hit |
Provoke Increases the target's hate towards the fighter. |
Lvl 12 Skills |
Demonstration of Faith Wards the crusader's target, preventing them from taking damage |
Lvl 13 Skills |
Unyielding Advance A shield attack that knocks the enemy down, stuns them for a short duration, and increases their hate towards the crusader. This attack requires a shield |
Lvl 15 Skills |
Faithful Swing A melee attack that deals some damage and replenishes some of the crusader's health. |
Lvl 16 Skills |
Stance: Knight's Stance Greatly increases defense, wisdom, and physical damage mitigation at the cost of offensive melee skills and combat attack damage. This is the crusader's primary defensive stance |
Lvl 17 Skills |
Offering of Armament Increases a group member's melee mitigation at the cost of melee mitigation from the crusader. This spell can't be cast upon yourself. |
Lvl 19 Skills |
Charge A melee attack that deals crushing damage and knocks the target down. |
Lvl 20 Skills |
Intercept Allows the fighter to protect an ally from taking damage, by absorbing some of the damage an ally would otherwise take |
Lay on Hands Replenishes health instantly. This replenishment does not have a casting time, nor does it cost power, but it has a significant reuse time |
Lvl 21 Skills |
Divine Wrath A melee attack that strikes all nearby enemies surrounding the paladin, and replenishes some health of nearby group members |
Redemption If target ally receives damage that would be fatal, that ally is healed instead and their maximum health is increased. This spell cannot be interrupted, does not require any power and has a very fast casting time |
Lvl 22 Skills |
Blessed Aid Replenishes some of target ally's health. |
Blinding Light Increases the hate of all enemies in an encounter towards the paladin and decreases their divine resistance. |
Lvl 23 Skills |
Divine Inspiration Blesses the weapons of the paladin's group, granting them a chance to deal divine damage with each hit. Undead targets take twice as much damage |
Lvl 24 Skills |
Blessing of the Penitent Increases your maximum hit points. Also grants the paladin a chance to summon a shard spell component when the paladin is struck. |
Glorious Weapon Blesses the paladin's weapon, granting it a chance to deal divine damage and stun the target. Undead targets take twice as much damage |
Lvl 25 Skills |
Divine Vengeance A melee attack that strikes with additional divine damage and stuns the target on a successful hit. This strike deals additional damage against the undead. |
Lvl 26 Skills |
Faithful Zeal Wards the paladin's target, preventing them from taking damage |
Penitent Sacrament Consumes a penitent essence and heals the paladin. |
Lvl 27 Skills |
Blinding Bash A shield attack that knocks the enemy down, stuns them for a short duration, and increases their hate towards the paladin. This attack requires a shield |
Omen of Battle Interrupts the target and deals instant divine damage. |
Lvl 28 Skills |
Oath Strike A melee attack that deals divine damage and additional divine damage over time. |
Unyielding Conviction Does instant divine damage to nearby enemies surrounding the paladin. This spell has a chance to stun anyone it damages. |
Lvl 29 Skills |
Blazing Faith A melee attack that deals some damage and replenishes some of the paladin's health. |
Holy Sunder A powerful attack that requires a two handed weapon. |
Lvl 30 Skills |
Prayer of Devotion Heals the paladin's group. |
Stance: Shining Beacon Greatly increases defense, wisdom, physical, magic and divine damage mitigation at the cost of offensive melee skills and combat attack damage. This is the paladin's primary defensive stance |
Lvl 31 Skills |
Grant of Armament Increases a group member's melee mitigation at the cost of melee mitigation from the crusader. This spell can't be cast upon yourself. |
Noble Tone Increases the target's hate towards the paladin, with increasing hate over time |
Lvl 32 Skills |
Aegis of Hope Grants the paladin a chance to shield an ally from melee attacks, by allowing the target a chance to use the paladin's avoidance check after their own avoidance check. This also increases the paladin's defense skill |
Stance: Implacable Wrath Increases the paladin's offensive melee skills and intelligence, at the cost of decreased defense and parry skill. This is the paladin's primary offensive stance |
Lvl 33 Skills |
Pious Belief Increases the wisdom of the Paladin's group. |
Vengeance An impairment that deals instant divine damage when the target successfully attacks, for up to 5 attacks |
Lvl 34 Skills |
Intercede Allows the fighter to protect an ally from taking damage, by absorbing some of the damage an ally would otherwise take |
Virtuous Touch Replenishes health instantly. This replenishment does not have a casting time, nor does it cost power, but it has a significant reuse time |
Lvl 35 Skills |
Atonement Grants the target a redemptive aura. Whenever the target accrues hate, some of that hate is transferred to the paladin |
Flatedge Twirl A melee attack that strikes all nearby enemies surrounding the paladin, and replenishes some health of nearby group members |
Lvl 36 Skills |
Devout Aid Replenishes some of target ally's health. |
Smite Prayer Increases the hate of all enemies in an encounter towards the paladin and decreases their divine resistance. |
Lvl 37 Skills |
Call to Glory Blesses the weapons of the paladin's group, granting them a chance to deal divine damage with each hit. Undead targets take twice as much damage |
Lvl 38 Skills |
Blessing of the Devout Increases your maximum hit points. Also grants the paladin a chance to summon a shard spell component when the paladin is struck. |
Righteous Cause Blesses the paladin's weapon, granting it a chance to deal divine damage and stun the target. Undead targets take twice as much damage |
Lvl 39 Skills |
Shatter Will A melee attack that strikes with additional divine damage and stuns the target on a successful hit. This strike deals additional damage against the undead. |
Lvl 40 Skills |
Devout Sacrament Consumes a devout essence and heals the paladin. |
Display of Devotion Wards the paladin's target, preventing them from taking damage |
Refusal of Grace Inflicts massive divine damage to the target. |
Lvl 41 Skills |
Courageous Dash A shield attack that knocks the enemy down, stuns them for a short duration, and increases their hate towards the paladin. This attack requires a shield |
Divine Judgment Interrupts the target and deals instant divine damage. |
Lvl 42 Skills |
Ancient Wrath Does instant divine damage to nearby enemies surrounding the paladin. This spell has a chance to stun anyone it damages. |
Sworn Strike A melee attack that deals divine damage and additional divine damage over time. |
Lvl 43 Skills |
Condemnation A melee attack that deals some damage and replenishes some of the paladin's health. |
Judgement Strike A powerful attack that requires a two handed weapon. |
Lvl 44 Skills |
Elixir of Resuscitation Resurrects a fallen ally, replenishing all health. This spell can be cast during combat, but must be cast within touch range of that ally |
Prayer of Conviction Heals the paladin's group. |
Stance: Benediction Greatly increases defense, wisdom, physical, magic and divine damage mitigation at the cost of offensive melee skills and combat attack damage. This is the paladin's primary defensive stance |
Lvl 45 Skills |
Clarion Call Increases the target's hate towards the paladin, with increasing hate over time |
Gift of Armament Increases a group member's melee mitigation at the cost of melee mitigation from the crusader. This spell can't be cast upon yourself. |
Lvl 46 Skills |
Stance: Unyielding Wrath Increases the paladin's offensive melee skills and intelligence, at the cost of decreased defense and parry skill. This is the paladin's primary offensive stance |
Unwavering Faith Grants the paladin a chance to shield an ally from melee attacks, by allowing the target a chance to use the paladin's avoidance check after their own avoidance check. This also increases the paladin's defense skill |
Lvl 47 Skills |
Blessed Rush A melee attack that deals divine damage and knocks the target down. |
Crusade Increases the wisdom of the Paladin's group. |
Lvl 48 Skills |
Divine Touch Replenishes health instantly. This replenishment does not have a casting time, nor does it cost power, but it has a significant reuse time |
Lvl 49 Skills |
Amends Grants the target a redemptive aura. Whenever the target accrues hate, some of that hate is transferred to the paladin |
Holy Symbol A melee attack that strikes all nearby enemies surrounding the paladin, and replenishes some health of nearby group members |
Lvl 50 Skills |
Decree Deals instant divine damage and interrupts the target and surrounding encounter members. |
Pious Aid Replenishes some of target ally's health. |
Zealous Preaching Increases the hate of all enemies in an encounter towards the paladin and decreases their divine resistance. |
Lvl 51 Skills |
Call to Honor Blesses the weapons of the paladin's group, granting them a chance to deal divine damage with each hit. Undead targets take twice as much damage |
Lvl 52 Skills |
Blessing of the Celestial Increases your maximum hit points. Also grants the paladin a chance to summon a shard spell component when the paladin is struck. |
Righteous Crusade Blesses the paladin's weapon, granting it a chance to deal divine damage and stun the target. Undead targets take twice as much damage |
Sigil of Heroism Siphons some of the hate generated towards enemies of the group to the paladin instead for a short duration. |
Lvl 53 Skills |
Destroy Will A melee attack that strikes with additional divine damage and stuns the target on a successful hit. This strike deals additional damage against the undead. |
Lvl 54 Skills |
Ardent Sacrament Consumes a devout essence and heals the paladin. |
Demonstration of Devotion Wards the paladin's target, preventing them from taking damage.",,"Increases the berserker's offensive melee skills and grants a chance to attack all nearby enemies in an encounter with each melee attack, but at the cost of decreased defense and parry skill. This is the berserker's primary offensive stance |
Refusal of Faith Inflicts massive divine damage to the target. |
Lvl 55 Skills |
Celestial Judgement Interrupts the target and deals instant divine damage. |
Consecrate An aura surrounds the paladin, continuously dealing divine damage to all nearby enemies until the spell expires |
Righteous Dash A shield attack that knocks the enemy down, stuns them for a short duration, and increases their hate towards the paladin. This attack requires a shield |
Lvl 56 Skills |
Prayer of Consecration Heals the paladin's group. |
Unflinching Conviction Does instant divine damage to nearby enemies surrounding the paladin. This spell has a chance to stun anyone it damages. |
Zealous Strike A melee attack that deals divine damage and additional divine damage over time. |
Lvl 57 Skills |
Chastising Strike A powerful attack that requires a two handed weapon. |
Righteous Condemnation A melee attack that deals some damage and replenishes some of the paladin's health. |
Lvl 58 Skills |
Divine Favor If the paladin receives damage that would be fatal, the paladin is instead healed and stifled for a short duration. The encounter of the enemy that dealt the otherwise fatal damage greatly decreases their hate towards the paladin |
Stance: Faithful Benediction Greatly increases defense, wisdom, physical, magic and divine damage mitigation at the cost of offensive melee skills and combat attack damage. This is the paladin's primary defensive stance |
Lvl 59 Skills |
Clarion Cry Increases the target's hate towards the paladin, with increasing hate over time |
Lvl 60 Skills |
Resolute Faith Grants the paladin a chance to shield an ally from melee attacks, by allowing the target a chance to use the paladin's avoidance check after their own avoidance check. This also increases the paladin's defense skill |
Stance: Relentless Wrath Increases the paladin's offensive melee skills and intelligence, at the cost of decreased defense and parry skill. This is the paladin's primary offensive stance |